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JRE編集委員会 | Journal of REPRODUCTION ENGINEERING (JRE) | JRE投稿規定/JRE Instructions to Authors

2012/09/23 更新

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JRE投稿規定/JRE Instructions to Authors

to English


Journal of REPRODUCTION ENGINEERING (JRE) は日本生殖工学会(SRE)の機関誌です。ミニレビュー原著論文短報症例報告のカテゴリーで出版されます。いずれも動物ならびにヒトの生殖工学において、新知見や概念を報告することを使命といたします。特に、生殖細胞や胚の操作(体外発生、超低温保存、顕微操作)、医学・獣医学の臨床分野における補助生殖技術、動物における遺伝子導入による形質転換法に関する研究を対象としますが、しかし、これらに限定するわけではありません。ミニレビューは随時出版されます。




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--- 1ページ目 ---










山川 海空, Arthur S. GATEBRIDGE

北東大学医学部, 305-8701 茨城県つくば市.


山川 海空1, Bob M. SIMON1,2, Paul SMITH2, 草原 森木3

1北東大学医学部, 305-8701 茨城県つくば市. 2Institute of Reproduction, National Medical Research Center, London BE42 5KT, UK. 3南西病院, 付属生殖医療研究所, 229-8510 神奈川県相模原市.



--- 2ページ以降 ---



















1. 尾川 昭三. 生殖工学領域の研究の進歩の原点について. J. Reprod. Engineer. 2007; 10 Supple.: 395-408.


1. 田沼靖一. アポトーシス, 東京大学出版会, 東京, 1994.


1. 菊地 和弘. 細胞質成熟. 鈴木 秋悦, 佐藤 英明 (共編), 卵子研究法, 養賢堂, 東京, 2001, pp.41-48.


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E-メール: kiku(at)affrc.go.jp  (at)」の部分を「@」に置き換えてください。



Scope of the JRE

Journal of REPRODUCTION ENGINEERING (JRE), the official journal of Japan Society for Reproduction Engineering (SRE), is published as the journal specialized in Mini-reviews, Original Articles, Research Notes and Case Reports that report new findings or concepts in reproduction engineering of animals and humans. Topical coverage includes, but not limited to, manipulation of germ cells and embryos (in vitro development, cryopreservation, micromanipulation), assisted reproductive technologies in clinical and veterinary medicine, and genetic modification of animals by gene transfer.

All manuscripts are reviewed critically by two or more reviewers. Acceptance is based on scientific content and presentation of materials. The editor-In-Chief selects reviewers, overspend with authors, and make final decisions about manuscript. The accepted manuscripts are published electrically as PDF files in the SRE web site without any charge. As an option, offprints can be purchasable according to the authors’ request and payment [Price list (in Japanese)]. The SRE members can download all files by an internet connection and open them without any charge.

Style and Format

All articles should be written in English or Japanese. They should be provided with the first page containing (1) Category, (2) Full title, (3) Page heading, (4) all Authors, Affiliations and Addresses, and (6) in the case of multiple authors, the name and address of the Correspondence Author. The second page starts with Abstract and Keywords. For original article, the remainder of the paper should be arranged under the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References. The Tables and Figures with legends are also prepared appropriately as described below and can be followed next to the references. For other types of articles, the remainder part should be arranged under an appropriate style referring to that for the original articles.

All papers should be prepared by Microsoft Word® using Times New Roman or a similar font with 12 point. Figures are located to the text in the Microsoft Word® file or prepared as a separated file by Microsoft PowerPoint®.

--- On the first page ---


Please select one from the article categories; Mini-review, Original Article, Research Note and Case Report.

Full Title

Full title of the paper should be describe. In some cases, sub-title is also accepted.

Page Heading

A short title of not more than 40 characters.

Authors, Affiliations and Addresses

The first and last names and initial for the middle name of all authors are described. The last name of each author should be capitalized. The affiliations contain both institution(s) and the department(s). Addresses should be contained city, state or province, postal code and country.

(Example 1)


Department of Medicine, Hokuto University, Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8701, Japan.

(Example 2)

Umisora YAMAKAWA1, Bob M. SIMON1,2, Paul SMITH2, Moriki KUSAHARA3

1Department of Medicine, Hokuto University, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8701, Japan. 2Institute of Reproduction, National Medical Research Center, London BE42 5KT, UK. 3Reserch Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Seinan Hospital, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8510, Japan.

Correspondence Author

The name, affiliation, postal address, e-mail address and telephone number of the author responsible for submission and publication should be addressed.

--- From the Second page ---


No limitation in word numbers, however, it is welcomed to be described in about 250 words.


Maximum 6 words or short phrases in order of significance are described.


In this section, it should summarize briefly the background of the study and state clearly the nature, significance and novelty of the article for submission. Results should not be reported or summarized.

Materials and Methods

This section is especially important in a techniques-oriented publication. It should contain detailed experimental protocols for new procedures, but previously published methods should be cited rather than described. The sources of special materials, reagents, cell lines, expression vectors, software and the like should be specified. Vendors or manufactures of materials should be specified with their addresses (city, state or province, and country) in parentheses. If necessary, product or catalogue numbers should be described. Information about the identity, specificity, purity and reliability of materials and methods should be provided in this section.


This section should include data after the experiments that validate new methods and support conclusions drawn in the following DISCUSSION section. It encourages describing using TABLES and FIGURES. Interpretations, speculation and other discussion should not be included in this section, although in some cases a combined “Results and Discussion” section may facilitate a more concise and focused presentation.


Arguments, discussion and conclusions are appropriate in this section. This is not the place to describe the background for the work, which should be included, with appropriate citations, in the introduction.


Acknowledgments to individuals and to funding sources are appropriate in this section. This section is optional.


Literature citations should list all authors, with complete article titles, year of publication, standard abbreviated journal titles, volume and inclusive page number. They are to be enumerated in alphabetical order, by first author, and referenced by number in the text. Papers that have been accepted in a certain journal but not yet published can be designated as “in press”. Non-archival poster or oral presentations, and papers that have not yet been accepted, may not be cited. An article written in any language other than English (or European languages) should be sited appropriately. In some cases, journal, title and author names should be translated.

Reference formats should confirm to the following examples:


1. Ogawa S, Tada N, Hayashi K, Iwaya M, Sato M, Saito H, Ohta A, Takahashi M, Kurihara T.  Possibility of testis mediated gene transfer as an alternative method for highly efficient production of transgenic animals. J. Reprod. Engineer. 1998; 1: 1-11.


1. Nagy A, Gertsenstein M, Vintersten K, Behringer R.  Manipulating the Mouse Embryos-A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, 2003.

(Chapter/  in Book)

1. Strelchenko N.  Bovine Pluripotent Stem Cells for Transgenic Vector. In Houdebine LM (Ed.), Transgenic Animals-Generation and Use, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 1997, pp.173-178.


Tables should be typed on separate pages and numbered consecutively.


Figures should be specified in numerical order within the text, and with minimal redundancy between the text and figure legends. The legends must be typed on separate pages from the figures (usually after References). Figure legends should be as complete and concise as possible. The first sentence of a figure legend should function as a stand-alone title to the figure. If figures have been published previously, written permission for reproduction must be obtained from the author and publisher, and full credit must be given in the figure legend. Only standard symbols should be used and these should be defined in the figure legend or a key incorporated within the figure. Each figure should be on a separate page. Multiple-part figures are acceptable only if the parts are closely related. Original figures of high-resolution quality (300 pixel/inch) will be submitted for the editorial review and in the production process for PDF files.


All types of the articles for the journal should be sent by E-mail to JRE Editorial Office with the subject “Sumission for JRE”:

E-mail: kiku(at)affrc.go.jp  Please replace “(at)” with “@”.




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